Local Interests
Humboldt resources for Parents and KIDZ!
- Used Clothing for BABIES and KIDS??
- Parental and Child Support/ Community
- For Your Child to Learn!
- For Your Child's Health
- For Your Child's Safety
- Pregnancy and Nursing Support
- Family Planning
- Financial Help for Families
Recreation Resources (top 10 local beaches)
www.provokechange.orgVoice Messages: 707.407.0499
Email: contact@provokechange.org
worship meetings held at: Arcata Presbyterian Church (670 11th Street, Arcata, CA)
Sundays @ 5:00 p.m.
"Our weekend gatherings are casual and alternative, incorporating both ancient and edgy styles. They are marked by thought provoking teaching, varieties of music & art, and moments of reverence and celebration. Afterwards, hang out during our connect time with complimentary coffee and desserts while you meet new people and make friends. Please be our guest this weekend; we'd love to meet you!"
Arcata First Baptist Church:
www.arcatafbc.org1700 Union Street Arcata, Ca 95521
Phone: 707-822-0367
- Breakfast for a Buck (College/Career) in Judson Hall 9 a.m. Note: Breaks for Summer
- Adult Sunday School ~ 9 a.m.
- Worship Service ~ 10:15 a.m.
"Solid Rock serves students at Cal Poly Humboldt and College of the Redwoods with opportunities for bible study, fellowship and outreach. This exciting group has a heart for missions and a history of making an impact for God's kingdom here in Arcata and to the nations. For more information please call Daniel Gent at: 822-0367."
LifeHouse Community Church:
www.lifehousehumboldt.orgArcata Campus (475 5th Street, Arcata, California, 95521)
"LifeHouse is a Spiritual Community committed to God Encounters, Authentic Community and Culture Shift."
Sundays 6pm Evening Service
Sundays 6pm Young Adults Service
The Lutheran Church of Arcata:
www.lutheranchurcharcata.org151 East 16th Street | Arcata, CA 95521
Phone: 707-822-5117
Email: lca@lutheranchurcharcata.org
Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Education Hour: 11:00 a.m.
"PATH is a ministry of The Lutheran Church of Arcata, aimed at students of Cal Poly Humboldt and College of the Redwoods. Our student ministry takes the form of including students in our congregation, providing a church-home-away-from-home. At the same time, we occasionally join with other student ministries locally and throughout northern California. For more information please visit the PATH website or email us at: thepath1611@yahoo.com"
Cal Poly Humboldt, Newman Center:
Roman Rite | 700 Union Street | Arcata, CA 95521 USPhone: (707) 822-6057 | Fax: (707) 822-6057
Weekend Mass Time and Location for Newman Center:
Sunday 5:30 PM, Lutheran Church 151 E 16th
St. Mary Parish:
www.stmarysarcata.comFather Francis Gayam, Pastor
1690 Janes Road | Arcata, CA 95521 US
Phone: (707) 822-7696 | Fax: (707) 822-6931
Weekend Mass Times:
- Saturday: 5:30pm
- Sunday: 8:30, 11:00am
- M-F: 8:30am
Arcata Presbyterian Church:
www.arcatapresbyterian.org670 11th Street. Arcata, CA
(707) 822-1321
Sunday Service: 10:30 a.m.
St. Albans Episcopal Church:
www.stalbansarcata.org1675 Chester Ave.
Arcata, CA 95521
Telephone: 707-822-4102
- Holy Eucharist Rite I 8:00 AM
- Christian Formation 9:15 AM to 10:15 AM
- Holy Eucharist Rite II with music 10:30 AM
- Silent Prayer 5:00 PM
- Healing and Holy Eucharist 5:30 PM
Northtown Coffee:
1603 G St. | Arcata, CA 95521707-633-6187
Jitter Bean:
900 G St. #102 | Arcata, CA 95521707-822-0671
2461 Alliance Rd. | Arcata, CA 95521707-826-1195
Bayside Beachcomber:
1602 Old Arcata Rd. | Bayside, CA 95524707-822-4423
Cafe Mokka:
495 J St. | Arcata, CA 95521707-822-2228
Arcata Yoga Studio:
920 Samoa Blvd. | Arcata, CA 95521707-834-7118
Arcata Pilates Works:
1499 Peninsula Dr. | Arcata, CA 95521707-407-0230
Rec Classes Galore!
www.cityofarcata.orgCheesy? Not so there are community groups for EVERYTHING here, there's a HULA HOOPING GROUP! A scrabble group, Ukelele group, Ping Pong, Basketball, and more! There is a wealth of classes and rec teams to join in Arcata: check out their website and find your Niche in Arcata: This is also a great resource to check out local events, plays in the park, community garden information, CSA infos, Employment and Volunteer info in Humboldt!
Lost Coast Outpost:
www.lostcoastoutpost.comWant to know about EVERYTHING that's going on on any given night/day in Humboldt?
You can no longer say "there's nothing going on tonight..." LoCO thoroughly represents the local music, art, and entertainment scene in humboldt (it even updates the Movie Theater Lists!!) LoCO is truly your one stop local online mecca of current events in Humboldt. It's one of those resources that once you get used to it, your like HOW DID I EVER LIVE WITHOUT THIS? It's a fabulous resource to learn about events, weather, and current events. It's also pretty cleverly written and will probably get a few chuckles out of you if you peruse it long enough. If you "like" the LoCO FB site, you can get constant updates on your news feed about local current events both large scale like "There was just a GIANT earthquake!", and small scale like: "hey my bike just got stolen so be on the lookout." If you haven't checked out Lost Coast Outpost, you NEED to. Your life will forever be changed.
Need cheap stuff?
Craigslist Humboldt County is very active and a great place to find used but nice items. Easy on the wallet and the planet.humboldt.craigslist.org/d/for-sale/search/sss
707 Humboldt Classifieds on FACEBOOK:
Another great online site for buying and selling gently used items big and small.www.facebook.com/groups/707HumboldtClassifieds
Recycled Youth:
1507 G St. | Arcata, CA 95521707-825-7775
Lots for Tots:
3008 Broadway St. | Eureka, CA 95501707-825-7775
Facebook Humboldt Moms:
"Welcome to the Humboldt Moms Community! This is a great place to meet other moms in our area and in the same stage of pregnancy or parenting. In the group you can share/receive great advice, share your funny/sad stories, organize play dates, and vent about life. However there are a few rules we ask that you follow, so please read before joining in the discussion."Just search "Humboldt Moms" on Facebook and then request to "Join!"
First 5 Humboldt Funded Playgroups:
first5humboldtdotorg.wordpress.comArcata Play Center
736 F Street | Arcata, CA 95521
Exchange Club Parenting Center:
eureka-ca.usamaralator.com/company/exchange-club-parenting-center/707-443-3484 or 707-443-7935
1809 Albee Street, Eureka, CA 95501
"Supportive mentorship program for parents. Offers in-home parent education and referrals to community resources. Classes TBA and last 6-8 weeks. Curriculum -- Positive Discipline. No cost/donations. Call to register, no child care provided."
Arcata and Rooney McKinleyville Children's Center:
707-822-14231695 10th St. | Arcata, CA 95521
Email: armcc@softcom.net
Serving children 3-11 years old.
Compassionate Friends:
707-822-6379 Nita707-839-1851 Verna
707-733-5124 Wade
"Offers friendship and understanding to bereaved parents."
Multiple Sources:
- Humboldt County Library, main library and local branches: (707) 269-1900
- Humboldt Kid's Digest: www.kidsdigest.com
- Humboldt Music Academy: (707) 826-3411
- Morris Graves Children's Art Program: (707) 442-0278
- Northcoast Children's Services, Head Start: (707) 822-7206
- The Discovery Museum: (707) 443-9694
- Cal Poly Humboldt Natural History Museum: (707) 826-4479
- North Coast Parents: www.facebook.com/northcoast.parents
- Playgroups in your community: (See Playgroup link)
- First 5 California parent website: www.first5california.com
Multiple Sources:
- Family and Community Resource Centers: (see FRC link)
- Healthy Kids Humboldt: (707) 442-6066
- Healthy Moms Program: (707) 441-5220
- Humboldt County CARE line and Prenatal Care Guidance Program: 1-800-698-0843
- Northcoast Children's Services, Early Head Start: (707) 822-7206
- State Stop Smoking Line for Pregnant Women: 1-800-NO-BUTTS
- WIC Program: (707) 445-6255
- Paso a Paso (Step by Step): (707) 441-4476 or (707) 441-4477
Multiple Sources:
- Family and Community Resource Centers: (see FRC link)
- Humboldt Community Switchboard: (707) 441-1001 or toll-free 877-460-6000
- Humboldt County CARE line: 1-800-698-0843
- Humboldt County Department of Public Health: 707-445-6200
- Humboldt County Sheriff's Department: 707-445-7251
- American Red Cross: 707-443-4521
- Poison Control 800-222-1222
- Community Care Licensing, CA Dept. of Social Services, Deanna Sanders: (707) 826-9961
- Child Abuse Prevention Coordinating Council: www.capcchumboldt.org
Om Shala Yoga (Jodi DiMinno):
www.omshalayoga.com(707) 825-YOGA (9642)
858 10th Street | Arcata, CA 95521
There are prenatal yoga classes, post natal workshops and classes, new mom support groups, and various retreats.
Pregnancy Care Center:
www.pcceureka.org(707) 442-2345
2390 Myrtle Avenue | Eureka, CA 95501
Ongoing Support, free maternity/ baby clothes, ultrasounds, free pregnancy tests, etc.
Center for Women's Health Care:
707-444-9664, 707-442-45932773 Harris St. | Eureka, CA 95503
"Prenatal care. Accepts Medi-Cal and presumptive eligibility for Medi-Cal. Accepts private pay and insurance, CPSP program offers education, nutritional counseling, social services."
Breast Feeding Support Group/Classes:
Star Siegfried Lactation Consultant:
www.facebook.com/starlactationC 707-496-2108
O 707-822-7743
E-mail: Star@humboldt1.com
St. Joseph Hospital, Eureka
445-8121 ext 7536
Jacquie McShane, RN Lactation Consultant:
www.medicalcare.com/physicians/3275821/Jacqueline-Mcshane(707) 599-3652
"Available for your breastfeeding questions. Problems, if any, will be addressed. This is a wonderful opportunity for breastfeeding moms and their babies! Bottle-feeding moms and babies are also welcome. Scale available for weighing your baby. Jacquie is also available for prenatal preparation counseling."
Family Planning Referral Service:
Phone: 1-800-942-1054"Provides referrals to local family planning services."
WIC State Agency5000 Valley West Blvd Suite 9 | Arcata, CA 95521
(707) 822-9900
"The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children is a federal assistance program of the Food and Nutrition Service of the United States Department of Agriculture for healthcare and nutrition of low-income pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and infants and children under the age of five."
Department of Health and Human Services:
Services offered...- CalWORKs
- Child Welfare Services
- County Medical Services Program
- *CalFresh (Formerly Food Stamps)
- General Relief
- Independent Living Skills
- *Medi-Cal
- Transportation Assistance Program
Phone: 707-476-4700 General Information 877-410-8809 Toll Free
Food For People (Humboldt's Food Bank):
www.foodforpeople.org307 West 14th St. | Eureka, CA 95501
Phone: 707-445-3166
Angel Fund:
www.hafoundation.org/Affiliates-Region/Humboldt-Health-Foundation/Angel-Fund363 Indianola Road, Bayside, CA 95524
(707) 442-2417 (phone)
(707) 442-2382 (fax)
"The Angel Fund is designed to provide rapid help for defined medical and healthcare related needs for people residing within Humboldt County. Funds are generally granted on a one time basis per person per 365-day period. Items that are of a recurrent nature are generally not funded. Items that have other identifiable sources of funding, either from insurance, government organizations or other charitable organizations, will not be funded. The Fund serves the needs of both children and adults."
Gold Bluffs Beach Campground:
3 miles north of Orick via Hwy 101, then 5 miles west on Davidson Rd. in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park.A brief nineteenth century gold rush gave the beach its name - gold was panned from sands of the beach itself. Five prospectors discovered gold dust in the sand and staked a claim. The campground lies in the dunes along a beautiful 10-mile stretch of the golden beach. You may find yourselves to be just about the only people around, aside from the herd of Roosevelt elk that are often seen in a meadow near the campground. The campground has running water, flush toilets, solar-heated showers and a fire pits. To access the park you travel down a narrow, gravel road where trailers are prohibited and RVs must not exceed 24' long or 8' wide. There are 24 tent or RV sites and one hike and bike site.
Trinidad State Beach:
Access from parking lot at Trinidad Head.You'll find tidepools at low tide where a wealth of sea life can be viewed. Sea kayakers enjoy exploring this stretch of coastline. The Trinidad area is one of the most spectacular and pristine segments of the California coast and has been established as a California Coastal National Monument Gateway--an area that offers the best shore-based opportunities to discover and view offshore rock and islands and their inhabitants.
Luffenholtz County Park:
2 miles south of Trinidad on Scenic Dr. Heading north toward Trinidad, take the Trinidad exit. Head west on Main St. and then turn left onto Scenic Dr. Follow Scenic Dr. for 2 miles.Luffenholtz Park offers a sweeping overlook of the Pacific Ocean with a picnic area and trail down to the beach. This is a spectacular rocky cove with tide pools and wildlife.
Agate Beach:
Access from Patrick's Point State Park (steep trail), or Big Lagoon County Park.6-8 miles north of Trinidad Beach & Lagoon.
New visitors to Agate Beach are often perplexed by the sight of people walking slowly with their heads bowed, intently studying the ground as though they've lost a contact lens, or of other people sitting down and methodically sifting through the beach gravel beds. What are they looking for? Oysters? Clams? Pirate treasure? The answer is implicit in the beach's name: agates. The translucent, semi-precious stones are regularly churned up by the powerful waves, and many folks make a habit of visiting the beach on a regular basis in search for these rocks. Even more precious moonstone and jade are found at times, as well as the more expected flotsam of shells, driftwood and the occasional fishing float. But beachcombing is just one of the attractions of this long, remote beach.
College Cove:
Stagecoach Rd. off Hwy 101 at Trinidad exit. Follow trail and stairs to the cove. There is a natural arch near the north end of the beach. Low tide is the best time to visit. College Cove is a popular beach with sheltered waters that are safe to enter under the right conditions, in addition to having fascinating rocks and tide pools to explore.
Little River State Beach:
Heading north on Hwy 101 to Trinidad, take the Scenic Dr./Moonstone Beach exit. Turn left onto Scenic Dr. then turn left on Moonstone Beach Rd.Little River State Beach features dunes and a broad open beach. The beach is bordered on the north by the Little River and on the south by Clam Beach Park, which provides camping and day use facilities. The little River separates the State Beach from Moonstone Beach, and the river itself offers great kayaking and swimming.
Clam Beach County Park:
7.5 miles north of Arcata (near McKinleyville) off Hwy 101. Exit at Clam Beach Park off-ramp.Very few parks in California allow camping right on the beach, but Clam Beach County Park is one of them. A wide and long stretch of flat shoreline, Clam Beach is part of a continuous ocean frontage that connects with Mad River Beach County Park to the south and Little River State Beach to the north. It is just minutes away from the town of McKinleyville, where all of your picnic, camping and beach supplies are available. Clam Beach also features beachcombing, clamming and fishing.
Mad River County Park:
5 miles northwest of Arcata, exit west on Giuntoli Ln. and follow signs.This is one of the Redwood Coast's best beaches for picnics, beachcombing and fishing. Mad River County Park is composed of two parts: one part is the beach, with coastal dunes and grasses behind the wave slope; the other part is a large parking area with a boat ramp into the Mad River. Just a couple of miles from where it joins the Pacific, the river here has a strong tidal influence, but even at low tide the river is deep enough for paddling canoes and kayaks either up- or down-stream. The fishing and wildlife viewing is excellent. There are no day use fees for the use of the beach or boat ramp.
Samoa Dunes Recreation Area:
From Eureka, turn west on Hwy 255, cross Samoa Bridge; 5 miles south on New Navy Base Road. Also known as the North Jetty.
The park features a boat launch (into Humboldt Bay) and camping facilities. The area is great for clamming, fishing and beachcombing. The park makes a convenient RV camping spot, especially for OHV (Off Highway Vehicle) enthusiasts. On the ocean side of the Samoa Peninsula, there are literally miles of beaches to explore. These beaches are popular with surfers, kite flyers and those seeking solitude. The north Jetty is one of the most interesting and unusual places on the north coast.Though the Jetty offers some of the best ocean fishing, surfing and leisurely walks found anywhere in the county, it's the dolos which distinguish the Jetty from anywhere else in the world. The dolos look like giant toy jacks standing 15' high, weigh over 43 tons and have over 1300 pounds of steel imbedded in the concrete. NOTE* (Only approach the jetty at low tide. If water is spraying over the top of the jetty, it is too dangerous to be in the area!)
Centerville Beach County Park:
Traveling south on Hwy 101 take the Ferndale exit. Continue south; turn right onto Fernbridge and travel through the town of Ferndale. Turn right on Ocean Ave. from Main St. and proceed 5 miles on Centerville Rd. to Centerville Beach.The park provides access to 9 miles of ocean beach. Dairy farms back the wild beach to the north and steep cliffs are to the south. A large cross overlooks Centerville Beach. The cross memorializes travelers who died when a steamer sank offshore in 1860. Sandpipers scurry along the water's edge and cormorants, gulls, and pelicans fly along the water. Harbor seals can be seen peering curiously from the breakers. From mid-November to March, one of the largest coastal congregations of Tundra Swans can be found in the Eel River Bottoms north of Centerville Rd.
Lost Coast Trail Black Sands Beach (Part of the King Range National Conservation Area):
Accessible two ways: take Hwy 101 to Garberville, South Fork/Honeydew or Ferndale exits. Follow signs to Petrolia; turn on Lighthouse Rd. to the ocean. This route will take you to the northern tip of the Lost Coast. Or, located off Hwy 101, 16.5 miles west of Garberville on Briceland/Shelter Cove Rd. This route will take you to the southern end of the Lost Coast.One stretch of California coastline that is largely untouched by major highways and towns is the 60,000-acre King Range National Conservation Area. Extremely steep and rocky terrain extends to the beach. The beach is narrow, and at some points it disappears under rockslides or at rocky points that jut out into the surf. The remote region is known as California's Lost Coast, accessed by only a few back roads. A 24-mile section of the Lost Coast Trail leads north from Black Sands Beach (near Shelter Cove) to the Mattole River, along the wilderness beach. This is a rugged hike, not a simple walk on the beach, and is one of the few coastal wilderness-hiking experiences in the U.S.
State of California:
"Please note: Ocean swimming on the North Coast is very hazardous! Even when walking or wading, never turn your back on the surf. Please stay alert, be safe and have a great time.."
Strombeck Properties
960 S. G St., Arcata, CA
Monday Friday 9am - 12pm, 1pm - 5pm
Monday Friday 9am - 12pm, 1pm - 5pm